Endodontics (Root Canals)

In endodontics, treatments are available for deep dental caries and inflammation of the pulp secondary to fractures and cracks along with root canal treatment for trauma cases. The inflamed pulp is manifested by infection, redness or swelling around teeth, sensitivity induced by chewing and long-term pain when exposed to cold or hot. We perform canal treatments for patients who present with such complaints in order to avoid extraction and maintain proper function of teeth and thus, requirement of implant or bridge prosthesis is eliminated.

What Are Stages of Root Treatment?

-Numbing the tooth and surrounding tissues with local anesthesia,
-Removal of decays and infected structures and access to root canals,
-Determining length of root canal with apex locator and X-rays,
-Root canals are shaped using manual and rotary instruments,
-Removal of infectious microorganisms using intra-canal disinfectants,
-Filling of root canals and restoration of the crown.

Succes Rate In Root Therapy

Advanced technology increases the success rate; if the indication is correctly identified
and the procedure is properly performed, a canal treatment has a high success rate,
90-95 percent on average. It is necessary to remember that canal treatment is the last step before extraction and there are always risks of complications, which are beyond control of dentist.

Treatment Options

-Treatment of injured pulp (direct / indirect capping and vital amputation),
-Root canal treatments,
-Endodontic treatment of dental trauma,
-Retreatment; correcting the problems that cannot be corrected or are caused by
previous treatment,
-Restoration of the teeth managed with endodontic therapy (intra-canal post and/
or coral application),
-Endodontic treatments that aim the completion of root formation or the creation of a root tip barrier, (apexogenesis or apexification),
-Endodontic surgery,

-Bleaching of endodontically treated teeth.
