Periodontal diseases are inflammatory diseases that affect gums and other supportive tissues. When diagnosed at an early stage, these diseases can be treated easily and successfully. Although gum disease is common in our population, it is an insidious disease with very little knowledge about effects, results and treatment. Prevention or
treatment of gum diseases not only protect native teeth, but they are associated with other benefits, such as more comfortable chewing and better digestion.
Healthy gums, appearing slightly rough like orange peel, are pink in color and creates
a smooth line on the tooth. Healthy gums do not bleed when brushing or eating.
Periodontal diseases start with gingivitis. In other words, gingivitis is early period of periodontal disease. In this period, the gums are hemorrhagic, red and enlarged in volume. It may not cause much inconvenience in the early period. If not treated,
the disease may progress to periodontitis and cause irreversible damage to the alveolar bone that supports the gums and teeth.
Periodontitis is a more advanced phase of periodontal diseases. Alveolar bone and tissues that support teeth are damaged. “Periodontal pocket” between the tooth and the gum facilitates the onset of infection and progression of the disease. Teeth get loosen or even extraction may be required when the disease progresses.
Symptoms of Gingival Disease
-Bleeding, Swelling and redness on the gums,
-Gingival recession and tenderness on the surface of the root,
-Black areas seen on margins of gums or between teeth, due to tartars,
-Inflammation located between tooth and gum,
-The loosened teeth, extensions, displacement,
-Persistent bad breath and bad taste in mouth.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Gum Diseases
Non Surgical Treatments
Cleaning of tooth surface, root surface flattening, curettage, occlusal alignments.
Surgical Treatments
Surgical treatment of gingival recessions, surgical treatment of gingival hypertrophy,
surgical treatments for tissue loss due to gum diseases, bone grafts, membrane applications, soft tissue grafts, surgical procedures for gum aesthetics.
Laser Applications
Our surgical and nonsurgical treatments are also performed with the help of laser.